Here is the planned route for the 2023 Ride on March 25th. Route may change due to construction or other considerations. You may leave the group at anytime, but we ask you inform us before you do so. Please review the safety information on the Ride Safety Page.
We will begin at the First Presbyterian Church Parking Lot just 1 block north of the Alamo. The address is 127 McCullough Ave, San Antonio, TX 78215. We will have a speaker to go over a short history of the Texas fight for Independence. Please arrive before 7:30 to allow time for the speaker and safety briefing. Kickstand up at 8:00 AM. We will make the following stops (times are approximate):
Belmont, TX for a gas/bathroom break (9:00AM)
Gonzales, TX for History (9:30AM)
Goliad, TX for History (11:30AM).
You may return on your own Saturday or Sunday. The main group will depart Goliad Sunday and return to San Antonio. Hotels may be limited in Goliad. Victoria and Beeville are both about 30 minutes away with additional accommodations.